Ukraine situation


The international armed conflict in Ukraine has forced millions of people to leave their homes in search of safety and protection. They will require assistance inside the country and across Europe.


2024 Funding Update

Velyka Vilshanytsya is a small village approximately 45 km east of Lviv. On the early morning of 9th March 81 missiles were launched by Russian Federation targeting various locations in Ukraine. © UNHCR/Andrew McConnell
Velyka Vilshanytsya is a small village approximately 45 km east of Lviv. On the early morning of 9th March 81 missiles were launched by Russian Federation targeting various locations in Ukraine. © UNHCR/Andrew McConnell
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2024 population planning figures

  • Refugees and asylum-seekers from Ukraine across the region: 5.9 million  
  • Among refugees: 47% women and 33% children 
  • IDPs: 3.7 million

  • Others of concern: 14.6 million people in Ukraine in need of multisectoral humanitarian assistance

For the reported figures consult the dedicated page on UNHCR operational data portal.

In Ukraine, the need for humanitarian assistance remains enormous in 2024, with some 14.6 million people requiring multisectoral humanitarian assistance in the region.

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2024 situation overview

As we enter the third year of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the situation is expected to become protracted, particularly in the eastern and southern parts of the country, where shelling and targeted attacks on infrastructure have become a part of daily life. 14.6 million people inside Ukraine will need multisectoral humanitarian assistance, including 3.7 million people displaced by the war. The number of refugees seeking protection across Europe is expected to remain stable at around 5.9 million, with continuing pendular movements between Ukraine and host countries. According to UNHCR intention survey results, nearly 80% of refugees hope to return to Ukraine one day, however, just 14% plan to do so in the near future. Security concerns remain paramount, along with access to basic services, housing, and livelihoods, for refugees and internally displaced people when deciding whether to return.

The European Union’s extension of the application of the Temporary Protection Directive until March 2025 is a sign of the continued solidarity with refugees from Ukraine across Europe. While notable progress has been observed overall in terms of refugees’ access to services and inclusion in national systems in Europe, people with specific needs including older people, people with disabilities, and those with serious medical conditions are facing increasing challenges and hardship. In some cases, these challenges may compel refugees to make premature decisions to return home to Ukraine, where the situation remains volatile.


People unloading the building materials from a truck
Several residential buildings in Odesa were heavily damaged on the night of 10th June 2023. UNHCR in cooperation with the local authorities, made a rapid assessment in the morning and a few hours later provided building materials for the urgent repair of damaged apartments. © UNHCR/Victoria Andrievska

To support Governments in responding to the humanitarian needs in Ukraine and host countries, UNHCR is appealing for $993.3 million.

In Ukraine, UNHCR requires $599 million to implement its 2024 protection and solutions strategy, focused on two operational priorities:
(i) providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to people living in frontline and newly regained areas of the country and;
(ii) supporting the Government of Ukraine’s commitment to durable solutions, economic recovery and reconstruction through area-based and participatory approaches with the support of development and other actors.

Together with IOM and UNDP, UNHCR will continue to co-lead the Durable Solutions Steering Committee and the Working Group on Community Planning for Durable Solutions and Recovery. UNHCR plans to reach over 2.7 million people in 2024, with immediate humanitarian assistance, protection, shelter, and cash assistance.

At the same time, UNHCR will support efforts to gradually transition from large-scale humanitarian cash assistance to transitional safety nets in close collaboration with the Government and development actors.


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UNHCR will provide legal assistance to 207,500 IDPs and returnees to obtain civil status and property documentation in 2024, while 467,500 individuals will be provided with emergency shelter and sustainable housing support.

In refugee-hosting countries across Europe, UNHCR requires $394.3 million to assist some 700,000 people. UNHCR will maintain its coordination role in support of governments leading the Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP), with over 300 partners in 11 countries, while continuing protection-focused interventions. In line with the 2024 RRP, UNHCR will continue its support to Governments and local authorities in transitioning from humanitarian assistance to the effective inclusion of refugees in national systems and services.

UNHCR’s direct assistance will continue to be aligned with the level of support provided to nationals, through national social protection systems and services. Evidence-based advocacy and capacity-building among government counterparts and humanitarian actors in support of effective refugee inclusion will continue. Amongst the RRP countries, UNHCR will maintain the largest operational presence in the Republic of Moldova, given the specific vulnerability and needs.


Small-scale, targeted cash for protection programmes and limited stockpiles of core relief items will remain in place in some operations. Given that women and children represent over 80% of the refugee population, activities aimed at preventing and responding to gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse and trafficking, support for child protection response mechanisms and the shaping of related law and policy will remain priority interventions in RRP countries. At community centres, UNHCR and partners will offer activities aimed at fostering inclusion, including language and vocational activities for refugees from Ukraine.

In countries beyond the scope of the RRP, UNHCR will continue liaising with governments receiving and hosting refugees from Ukraine. As of the end of 2023, nearly 2.8 million refugees from Ukraine are recorded in other countries in Europe (the number of refugees recorded in other countries in Europe excludes Russia). UNHCR stands ready to assist the authorities of these countries, as required, particularly to strengthen access to protection services and support with reception, registration, and socioeconomic inclusion.

At the regional level, UNHCR will continue to provide legislative advice and support policy coordination.

Andrei and Ludmila managed to flee their home in Bucha. After seventeen days of hiding in their basement, they ran out of insulin for their 8 year old son Maksim. They escaped through various military checkpoints. In Poland they are hosted by a Polish family. © UNHCR/Maciej Moskwa
Andrei and Ludmila managed to flee their home in Bucha. After seventeen days of hiding in their basement, they ran out of insulin for their 8 year old son Maksim. They escaped through various military checkpoints. In Poland they are hosted by a Polish family. © UNHCR/Maciej Moskwa
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For the most recent stories, press releases and briefing notes, please visit the Emergency page on dedicated to Ukraine.