Global financial needs amount to $354 million (-0.3% vs 2024 current budget)

More than 60 million women and girls are forcibly displaced and stateless, and they are at particular risk of gender-based violence (GBV). Without more funding, 36 million of them are likely to be unable to access GBV services in 2025. Where there is funding to prevent and respond to GBV, UNHCR will work to maximize its impact, coordinating inter-agency work, encouraging the inclusion of refugee women and girls in national systems, and providing survivors with psychosocial support, legal and cash assistance, and health referrals.
Core Outcome Indicators

Proportion of people who know where to access available GBV services

Proportion of people who do not accept violence against women

Proportion of survivors who are satisfied with GBV case management services
Core Output Indicators

Number of people who benefitted from specialized GBV programmes*
2024 Mid-year progress: 630,000
*70 country operations reporting
Financial overview