UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, depends on the generosity of dozens of governments and millions of individual donors, without whom it could not carry out its vital work. UNHCR issues a Global Appeal for funding every year, based on its annual budget, which is itself based on the anticipated needs of forcibly displaced and stateless people around the world.
Donors are invited to commit a first tranche of funding at the annual Pledging Conference in December. This early contribution of funds is crucial because it enables UNHCR to count on a certain level of funding from the very start of the year, and because it traditionally includes a large proportion of UNHCR's "unearmarked" funding, which can be used and re-used during the year to cover urgent and neglected needs.
Major donors responded to UNHCR's Global Appeal 2024 by announcing pledges worth hundreds of millions of dollars at the Pledging Conference held on 5 December 2023. The links below show the annual trend of funding at UNHCR's Pledging Conference and the list of donors making pledges for 2024.