In 2024, UNHCR received $1.465 billion in flexible funding contributions – unearmarked and softly earmarked - or 30% of total contributions of $4.818 billion. This flexible funding included $759 million in fully unearmarked funding. By way of comparison, in 2023, UNHCR received $1.678 billion in flexible funding, which amounted to 35% of the $4.835 billion in voluntary contributions raised. Of that total, $718.4 million was fully unearmarked funding. This means that, in 2024, UNHCR received $213 M less in flexible funding, a 13% reduction, than the previous year.
In 2024, a total of $1,46 billion in flexible funding (of which 759 million was unearmarked) was allocated to critical operations across the globe, with the majority of the funding directed to where it was needed most. The top 10 operations receiving flexible funding were Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Jordan, Uganda, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and Chad.