
The forcibly displaced and stateless population in Europe is projected to increase by 2% in 2024, to 24.9 million people. The war in Ukraine is exacting a brutal toll, with a forecast of 5.8 million refugees across the region.


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$1.466 billion is needed across Europe from January to December 2024.

Currently, only 44% of the required funding has been secured. 

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Europe’s forcibly displaced and stateless population is projected to increase by 2% in 2024, to 24.9 million people. The war in Ukraine is exacting a brutal toll, with a forecast of 5.8 million refugees across the region and over 3.7 million people displaced inside Ukraine in 2024

Further displacement can be expected, especially over the cold winter, as military strikes target civilian infrastructure. UNHCR anticipates modest levels of spontaneous voluntary returns by refugees and internally displaced people. With the European Union (EU)’s Temporary Protection of Ukrainian refugees extended until March 2025, EU States will continue hosting refugees and providing protection and access to vital services including education, health and employment. 



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total POC
Host communities


Note: The "Stateless" category does not include stateless people who are also in other categories, to avoid double counting. The total number of stateless, across all categories, is  .

Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder.

Population by country

Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder.

Population by origin

Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder.

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Select Operation

Budget by Impact Areas

Protect: Attaining favourable protection environments
Respond: Realizing rights in safe environments
Empower: Empowering communities and achieving gender equality
Solve: Securing solutions

Source: 2024 budget and 2023 current budget are taken from the budget document approved by UNHCR's Executive Committee in October 2023.

Budget by Outcome and Enabling Areas

Source: 2024 budget and 2023 current budget are taken from the budget document approved by UNHCR's Executive Committee in October 2023.

Budget by operation

Source: 2024 budget and 2023 current budget are taken from the budget document approved by UNHCR's Executive Committee in October 2023.

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