Global Appeal 2024


Europe’s forcibly displaced and stateless population is projected to increase by 2% in 2024, to 24.9 million people.

UNHCR and partners responded after a large missile attack on Lviv, Ukraine. © UNHCR/Olga Borymchuk
UNHCR and partners responded after a large missile attack on Lviv, Ukraine. © UNHCR/Olga Borymchuk
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2024 population planning figures

24.9 million forcibly displaced and stateless people¹ | 19% of global total 


Europe planning figures 2024
¹ Please see definitions of population types on UNHCR's Refugee Data Finder website.


Regional overview

Europe’s forcibly displaced and stateless population is projected to increase by 2% in 2024, to 24.9 million people. The war in Ukraine is exacting a brutal toll, with a forecast of 5.8 million refugees across the region and over 3.7 million people displaced inside Ukraine in 2024. Further displacement can be expected, especially over the cold winter, as military strikes target civilian infrastructure. UNHCR anticipates modest levels of spontaneous voluntary returns by refugees and internally displaced people. With the European Union (EU)’s Temporary Protection of Ukrainian refugees extended until March 2025, EU States will continue hosting refugees and providing protection and access to vital services including education, health and employment.  

Inside Ukraine, UNHCR is reinforcing its presence close to the front lines. It will prioritize cash distributions to vulnerable people directly affected by the war; support for IDPs’ and returnees’ early recovery needs, such as shelter; assistance to State-run temporary accommodation; and winterization as part of the coordinated inter-agency response. Winterization includes targeted cash top-ups, core relief items, improvement of reception facilities, and housing repairs for over 900,000 individuals. In 2024, UNHCR will also provide 200,000 IDPs and returnees with legal assistance to obtain civil status and property documentation, while 140,000 individuals will be reached with emergency shelter support and durable house repair.

Europe - Regional Budget 2024
Europe - Top 5 Operations by budget
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UNHCR will coordinate the Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP), involving more than 300 partners in 11 countries, with the aim of identifying and supporting the most vulnerable, fostering greater inclusion and social cohesion. UNHCR’s focus will continue to shift from humanitarian assistance to supporting national and local authorities to include refugees in national services. Some small-scale, targeted cash programmes and limited stockpiles of core relief items in support of preparedness will remain in place, as will activities to strengthen the gender-based violence and child protection response, given the high proportion of women and children among the refugees. UNHCR will maintain its engagement in the Republic of Moldova, supporting 70,000 refugees and asylum-seekers with obtaining civil status, identity or legal status documentation, while continuing cash assistance for vulnerable individuals. “Blue Dot hubs” will provide information and referrals to specialized services, and UNHCR community centres will offer language and vocational activities to support refugees’ inclusion.  

Sea arrivals in Italy, Spain and Greece continue along with overland mixed movements through south-eastern Europe. UNHCR’s support for national authorities will aim to ensure arriving refugees can access asylum, receive adequate assistance and information, and have opportunities for socioeconomic inclusion. UNHCR will continue calling for broader solidarity with States at the external borders of the European Union receiving the vast majority of arrivals, and will advocate for effective access to territory, protection and rights, irrespective of a refugee’s country of origin.  

The security situation in the South Caucasus remains unpredictable, after more than 100,000 refugees fled into Armenia in September-October 2023. UNHCR’s engagement in support of all displaced populations in the region will continue.  

Türkiye is among the top refugee-hosting countries globally, hosting 3.4 million refugees and asylum-seekers. Many were affected by the devastating 2023 earthquakes. UNHCR will provide 175,000 refugees and asylum-seekers with case processing and protection services, and refer 186,000 to specialized services. Social cohesion activities will target 45,000 refugees and host community members. UNHCR will support the authorities to include refugees in national services and will co-lead the Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan (3RP).  

Europe - Budget by impact area 2024
Europe - Top 5 Budget for Outcome and enabling areas
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UNHCR will advocate at EU-level for 44,000 refugees to be resettled to EU member States in 2024, in addition to support for complementary pathways. UNHCR will target 20,000 refugees for resettlement, both within the EU and beyond, out of the 384,000 refugees in Türkiye in need of resettlement – mainly Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis.  

UNHCR’s budget for the region will decline by 13% in 2024 due to a smaller footprint in host countries neighbouring Ukraine and the discontinuation of the state of emergency in the eleven provinces affected by the earthquake in Türkiye and transfer of earthquake activities into the main response. Funding for inclusion and solutions will increase.  

In the case of a funding shortfall, there will be less cash assistance for vulnerable displaced people, less shelter support for IDPs and returnees, and less assistance to State and local authorities for temporary accommodation and winterization. 


For the latest operational and funding updates on the Europe region check this page.