doctor sitting at her desk

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia continues to expand and reinforce its partnership with UNHCR, providing contributions that enable UNHCR to protect, assist, and seek solutions for forcibly displaced people. 

Nadifa, a refugee midwife from Somalia and mother to 11 children, at her office in Kharaz Refugee Camp, Yemen. Having worked as a midwife in Somalia for nearly 10 years, Nadifa was forced to flee the civil war in 1992, arriving in Yemen. In 1996, she began working at the UNHCR-supported health centre in Kharaz Refugee Camp, where she is now a senior midwife, mentoring new staff and witnessing hundreds of births. © UNHCR/Gregory Doane
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Total contributions in 2024 to date


The Government of Saudi Arabia, including the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief), the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), enjoys more than 30 years of partnership with UNHCR. 

Thanks to the contributions from Saudi Arabia, vital UNCHR programs such as health care, education, shelter, water and sanitation, infrastructure, basic needs, cash assistance, livelihood support, and protection can be carried out with a steady flow of funding. 

Saudi contributions have enabled a continued humanitarian response in the Middle East and other regions, particularly to those affected by the Yemen, Syria, and Afghanistan crises. 

As a dedicated supporter of UNHCR, Saudi Arabia also prioritizes the strengthening of partnerships, in particular public-private collaborations, for the benefit of refugees and other people in need. UNHCR has been present in the Kingdom since 1987, and our collaboration continues to grow stronger. 


Total contributions in 2023
27.92 million