With a deep-rooted history of support, the UK has stood alongside UNHCR since 1951, serving on its Advisory Committee and a founding member of its Executive Committee since 1959.
The United Kingdom remains among UNHCR’s largest contributors of unearmarked funding – a critical resource as we face record numbers of displacement. This flexible funding enables immediate response to emergency crises and helps fill the gaps in underfunded areas.
The UK is committed to strengthening people’s ability to recover from crises, and to protect and prioritise the most vulnerable people when crises occur, including from response to gender-based violence to access to clean water, shelter, healthcare, education as well as legal services and other life-saving assistance.
As a strategic partner to UNHCR, the UK supports UNHCR in placing protection at the forefront of all humanitarian efforts. It is a strong advocate for vulnerable groups of people, and, to this end, it works closely with UNHCR to safeguard women, girls and persons with disabilities who could be at further risk of gender-based violence or sexual exploitation and abuse.
37% of the contribution was flexible funding
The impact of the United Kingdom as a donor

UK helps sustain UNHCR’s cash programme for the most vulnerable refugees
23,000 of the poorest refugee families in the villages and towns across Jordan continue to be supported by UNHCR with cash for basic needs. On average, a family receives a bit over four Jordanian Dinars per day (nearly 6 $). While the amount is insufficient to cover all their basic needs, it is a lifeline for those who cannot make ends meet: 94 per cent of recipients declared that UNHCR’s cash assistance had improved their overall well-being.