Spanish support for UNHCR reflects the generosity and solidarity of its citizens. Thanks to significant efforts from both central and decentralized authorities, Spain's support for UNHCR reached new heights since 2020, with the country re-establishing itself as a key donor and surpassing pre-economic crisis levels.
While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) are key partners in UNHCR's humanitarian action, decentralized authorities are also funding UNHCR's activities worldwide through its national partner, España con ACNUR.
UNHCR, therefore, enjoys support from Spanish public authorities at all levels, from central government to autonomous communities, provincial councils, city councils and other local funds. Additionally, Spanish citizens have rallied behind the refugee cause. The Spanish people are also among the largest private donors to UNHCR, with their contributions exceeding US$ 104 million in 2024 alone.
Spain’s support to operations in the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East allows UNHCR to protect and assist forcibly displaced people in some of the largest emergency situations as well as in protracted crises. In line with its foreign policy, Spain pays special attention to the needs of women and girls in emergency settings, including prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence, and prioritizes education, including refugees’ access to higher education.
31% of the contribution was flexible funding