As one of the largest governmental donors, Norway provides a lifeline to refugees with vital multi-year and highly flexible funding. Moreover, as one of our largest providers of unearmarked funding, Norway enables UNHCR to plan effectively, respond quickly to emergencies and continue to support people in protracted crises, that often lack sustained support.
Norway and UNHCR share common values and priorities, focusing on equal protection for both refugees and internally displaced men and women, the role of education in emergencies, child protection, and the rights of women and girls. With support to innovation and work on climate, Norway has also enabled UNHCR to reduce its environmental footprint and adopt new innovative approaches within refugee communities and camps.
The government of Norway also uses an innovative approach to resettle refugees to different locations based on their education and skills, resulting in better integration into new communities. Their support of the resettlement program allows UNHCR to maintain its capacity to provide long-term solutions to the most vulnerable refugees by giving them a chance at a new life in a place of safety and security.
The partnership with Norway is steeped in history, from Fridtjof Nansen's work as the first High Commissioner for Refugees in 1921 to Norway's support for the Nansen Award, honouring individuals who have gone above and beyond to protect refugees, displaced, and stateless persons. In 1955, Norway joined the Executive Committee of UNHCR, solidifying its commitment to the cause.
49% of the contribution was flexible funding