Camp management and coordination


2020 will be crucial for site management, as the national handover and refugee representation strategies are gradually implemented concurrently with UNHCR’s likely gradual assumption of greater coordination leadership of the refugee response, which should strengthen coordination with the local authorities in 2020/2021. It is also estimated that the revised coordination structure outlined in the coordination review will strengthen the UNHCR/IOM partnership and allow effective joint planning, implementation, and coordinated responses on disaster preparedness and camp development.

RRRC announced in 2018 that the Government would take over site management in 2020. This is in line with UNHCR’s site management response premised on refugee self-management through participation, government leadership, and partnership. While moving toward government ownership, dedicated engagement with authorities and regularization and harmonization of the exercise of authority of all Camps in Charge (CiCs) will therefore be important. Collaboration with traditional leaders, including Imams, will be crucial to promote refugee participation, and partners will continue to nurture current engagements with Imam Committees. UNHCR has strengthened RRRC and CiC support staff capacity in 2019 in preparation for the handover through direct technical assistance, training, with the involvement of partners at the camp level. A full-fledged CiC staff structure will be supported in all camps under agreement with Government, and advocacy for deployment of resident CiCs will continue. Concerted efforts will be made by UNHCR to ensure checks and balances in the governance model of camps and establish and maintain a robust and functional community representation, to the extent possible.

In the comprehensive response, UNHCR will support CiCs in all 33 camps. It is presumed that all CiCs (including new ones) will be deployed in the camps with full-fledged support structures and shall require intensive technical and logistical support from UNHCR and partners to coordinate and monitor service in the camps. Depending on the need to assist CiCs and their staff, and the capacity of UNHCR to accompany the handover process in the field, it would be necessary to maintain partner presence in camps at an optimal level for the time required during 2020. UNHCR anticipate that partner presence will become more limited as elected committees supported by other sub-committees (such as WASH, Shelter, Disaster Management, Youth and Security committees) are fully operational and in line with Government policy

Bhasan Char: UNHCR expects to continue its constructive engagement with the Government on their plan to voluntarily relocate some refugees from Cox’s Bazar, and would hope to carry our further assessments to look at its safety and sustainability, as well as support a consultative dialogue with the refugees. Should UNHCR engage operationally on Bhasan Char, an initial population of 100,000 persons, as announced by Government, it could require Site Management support by partners to ensure adequate protection for refugees for the duration of 2020/21.