Global Appeal 2024

Status determination

Outcome Area 2

Woman with her three children
When conflict erupted in Sudan in April 2023, Carolina (10) and Hanin (7) fled from Khartoum, where they were living with their grandmother, to join their mother Rauth and their baby sister Flora in Cairo, Egypt. Unable to return home, the family turned to the UNHCR registration centre, seeking international protection. Once the conditions allow, they would like to return.
© UNHCR/Jaime Giménez
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Global needs in 2024

Robust mechanisms to identify people with international protection needs, known as refugee status determination (RSD) or asylum procedures, are central to States’ ability to provide protection to refugees and others in need of international protection.

Given the increasing number of people on the move and more complex types of movements, fair and efficient RSD procedures are vital for quick identification of those needing international protection as opposed to those moving for other reasons. These same high numbers and complexities have put asylum systems under strain. Without improved efficiency and investment in asylum systems, backlogs will continue to build up. Individuals may wait years for a decision and it will be increasingly difficult to return those who are ultimately found not to have international protection needs.

In about 45 countries – primarily in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia and the Pacific – where no fair and efficient asylum system is in place, UNHCR undertakes RSD directly (“mandate RSD”) to achieve a specific protection or solutions benefit. To address the situation of stateless persons in a migratory context, statelessness determination procedures enable authorities to recognize statelessness status and grant a core set of rights to those affected. Only around 25 States have established dedicated statelessness determination procedures that result in a legal status that allows residence and the enjoyment of their human rights. Otherwise, stateless migrants often have no pathway to regularizing their stay, are denied enjoyment of rights and remain vulnerable to detention, expulsion and exploitation.

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Global needs for Status determination in 2024

$197 million

-13% vs 2023 current budget

Regional needs 


Global needs OA2

Top ten operational budgets for Status determination (USD millions) 


Top ten OA2
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How UNHCR will make a difference

In 2024, UNHCR will engage in RSD-related work in more than 132 countries, either by strengthening the asylum system or by undertaking refugee determination directly under its Mandate. With funding declining, UNHCR will focus on supporting priority areas for maximum impact: improving laws and policy frameworks related to asylum systems; supporting the implementation of diversified RSD processes, such as a prima facie approach to the recognition of refugee status; and helping to increase institutional and staff capacity to deliver fair asylum decisions efficiently. This will be done by providing technical support and advice, access to global expertise, increasing the engagement of a broad spectrum of stakeholders and specific guidance on core topics. For example, in Mexico, South Africa and Türkiye, UNHCR gives guidance and advice on maintaining fairness in asylum procedures, such as access to an effective appeal, while supporting increased efficiency.

UNHCR will expand the exchange between States and other stakeholders through the dialogue platform of the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) established under the Global Compact on Refugees. The platform will enable States to call for support if they need it, enhance their expertise and resolve problems. UNHCR will also issue guidance and tools for status determination, including country of origin information and country guidance documents, particularly for refugee-producing countries and those for which information is lacking. An asylum capacity assessment tool will enable States to assess and improve their systems. In line with its route-based approach to mixed movement, UNHCR will also provide tools and resources to support States in quickly processing manifestly well-founded and unfounded applications, to ensure prompt access to asylum and reduce backlogs.


Core indicators

Case management

Average processing time (in days) from registration to first instance asylum decision


Proportion of people undergoing asylum procedures who have access to legal representation


Proportion of people undergoing asylum procedures who have access to an effective appeal mechanism after first instance rejection of their claim

A sample of core outcome indicators

2.3 Proportion of people undergoing asylum procedures who have access to an effective appeal mechanism after first instance rejection of their claim

Country Population Type Baseline Target 2023 Target 2024
Mexico Refugees and Asylum-seekers 100% 100% 100%
South Africa Refugees and Asylum-seekers 60% 60% 70%
Türkiye Refugees and Asylum-seekers 100% 100% 100%
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UNHCR will issue a global multi-year asylum capacity development strategy in 2024, outlining how it will bring together national, regional and development actors and international financing institutions for a broader base of support.

In 45 countries where there is no fair and efficient asylum system in place, UNHCR will continue implementing mandate RSD. Building on previous work in implementing the RSD Procedural Standards, UNHCR will keep assessing its engagement so that it only conducts mandate RSD when there are clear benefits for protection or solutions. It will streamline mandate RSD processes to be as efficient as possible while maintaining quality. In States that lack dedicated statelessness determination procedures, especially those with large numbers of stateless migrants, UNHCR will engage in legislative processes and advocacy to strengthen laws and policies for the identification and protection of stateless people. UNHCR will support States with insufficient procedures to bring their status determination systems into line with international standards.