woman fetching grass


Belgium remains a key donor to UNHCR, with a clear commitment to flexible funding and a focus on support to new and protracted crises.   


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Refugee women water spinach patches and carry dry grass for mulching at a UNHCR-funded kitchen garden project. The vocational training initiative is at Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania's western province of Kigoma. © UNHCR/Anthony Karumba
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Total contributions in 2024 to date


At the 2023 Pledging Conference, Belgium announced a contribution of at least EUR 18 million in 2024. Such engagement was further reinforced at the Global Refugee Forum when it also committed to maintaining its financial support to refugees and host communities while favouring unearmarked and flexible funding. The UNHCR-Belgium partnership, traditionally focusing on humanitarian support, recently expanded also through the funding of a multi-year project focusing on climate resilience in Tanzania

As a member of UNHCR’s Advisory Committee and a founding member of the governing Executive Committee (ExCom) since 1959, one of Belgium’s priorities is the effective delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need, through a commitment to efficiency, change, and overall improvement of the humanitarian system. Adhering to the principles of the Grand Bargain, including increasing transparency and predictability in humanitarian aid, Belgium's support aligns with UNHCR's priorities and allows the Agency to make a greater impact


Total contributions in 2023
24.94 million


48% of the contribution was unearmarked

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Belgian support across the globe