Global Focus

Middle East Situation: Emergency Appeal for Lebanon

Within the overall funding requirement of $545.2 million for its operations in Lebanon, UNHCR urgently seeks $111 million in flexible funding to scale up its emergency response for displaced communities in Lebanon through the end of the year.

A significant escalation of conflict in September 2024 has now affected an estimated one million people across the country, according to the Government of Lebanon.

Some 540,000 people are internally displaced in Lebanon, with over 165,000 in the past week only. An estimated 185,000 people – both Syrians and Lebanese, alongside other nationalities – have crossed into the Syrian Arab Republic so far. People are still on the move and these numbers continue to rise.

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Global Funding Overview




Current budget: $10.785 billion

Estimated funds available: 43%


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Global Report 2023

woman staring under the shadow


The Global Report highlights the results achieved by UNHCR and its partners in 2023 as we responded to the needs of a record number of forcibly displaced and stateless people around the world.

The population UNHCR protects and assists reached a record 122.6 million people and funding decreased from its 2022 peak, resulting in a record funding gap. Emergencies hit a new high, with the war in Sudan causing the year's largest displacement crisis, needing more support than received. The number of protracted refugee situations increased to 59 in 37 countries. 

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Global Appeal 2024

A group of four people, three children and one man sit in the shade. The man helps the youngest child to drink from a cup.


The lives of millions have been torn apart by trauma, conflict, persecution, insecurity or human rights violations, and over 130 million people are expected to be forcibly displaced or stateless by the end of 2024.

From 17 displacement situations to detailed plans for 50+ country operations, the urgent call for investment is louder than ever, with budgeted needs of $10.622 billion for 2024.

The Global Appeal provides information about UNHCR’s plans for the coming year and the funding it needs to protect, assist and empower a record number of forcibly displaced and stateless people, and to help them find solutions to their situations.

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