
On this page you will find UNHCR's reports, appeals, funding updates, factsheets, and other types of publications from our operations worldwide.

Man siting on a heal gazing at the river
A refugee gazes across the Ubangi River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo towards his home country, the Central African Republic, after fleeing post-election violence. More than 70,000 refugees from the CAR have been registered in the DRC since violence broke out after last December’s elections. © UNHCR/Adrienne Surprenant
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Global Appeal

Global Report

Rapport Global 2021

Le Rapport global présente le travail du HCR en 2021 pour protéger et améliorer la vie de dizaines de millions de personnes relevant de sa compétence – réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile, rapatriés, déplacés internes, apatrides et autres personnes relevant de sa compétence. Le Rapport souligne les progrès réalisés ainsi que les défis auxquels l’organisation et ses partenaires ont été confrontés dans leurs efforts pour répondre à des crises graves et multiples ainsi qu’à des besoins humanitaires sans cesse croissants.

Voir le résumé

kids looking from a window

Flexible Funding Reports

Flexible funding allows UNHCR critical flexibility in how it responds to needs, and where. This report shows how that happens, offering operational and thematic examples of how flexible funding made a difference

The Report for 2023 contains an overview, financial tables, and case studies of how and where flexible funding made a difference. 

Read the 2023 Flexible Funding Report


For the previous versions of the flexible funding report, please select the relevant year:
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018

Please note that from 2022 onwards, the report is fully accessible online on Global Focus, and no PDF version is produced.
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All Publications

October 2023
8 months ago
October 2023
8 months ago
October 2023
8 months ago
October 2023
8 months ago
31 October 2023
8 months ago
October 2023
8 months ago
October 2023
8 months ago
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