Liberia - Refugees and Asylum seekers in Liberia


The Liberia operation provides protection and assistance to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Liberia. Ivorian refugees represent some 98 per cent of UNHCR’s people of concern in Liberia. An analysis of population movements as well as births and deaths established the population of refugees in Liberia at 54,850 (52,786 Ivorian refugees, 1,540, other persons of concern, 54 asylum seekers, other refuges of mixed nationality 470) as of 1st January 2014. 

UNHCR continues to facilitate access to basic and essential services for refugees. Refugees receive integrated health services through three clinics operating in the three refugee camps with funding and support from UNHCR, and through government referral facilities for secondary and tertiary care. 

Urban refugees have access to public and private health facilities. Overall, the health status of the refugee population in the camps improved to a large extent: crude mortality rate was 0.3/1000/month; under-five mortality 0.8/1000/month; infant mortality rate 32.6/1000 live births/month; and neonatal mortality rate 12.6/100,000 live births/month. The nutritional status or refugees remains delicate. There was no statistically significant difference between the level of acute malnutrition between 2012 and 2013 survey results (greater than 0.05). GAM rates in the four camps were within acceptable ranges; the weighted average GAM rate is 2.5 per cent, ranging from 1.7 per cent. However, there has been inadequate funding to support a project to investigate and respond to the high rate of anaemia. 

The WASH situation in camps has improved steadily over the past two years. In 2013 the transformation of latrines in camps from transitional to semi-permanent structures was a major achievement. 85 per cent of the latrines are semi-permanent. SGBV remained an issue in the refugee community especially domestic violence. In 2013, 1,048 cases including rape, sexual assault, physical assault, denial of resources and psychological/ emotional violence were reported either through the referral pathway or directly to the services providers as a result of increased awareness and sensitization. Where possible, SGBV survivors are provided with targeted skills/vocational training to support their self-sustenance. By 1st January 2014, a total of 18,273 Ivorian refugees were assisted to return in safety and in dignity. This represents 14.2 per cent in excess of the initial target. A Verification exercise was conducted in the 51 communities hosting refugees in Liberia. A total of 15,714 individuals were verified and their records updated. New proof of registration was issued to families, where necessary. Some 600 individuals who missed previous registration in 2012 were verified, fingerprinted biometrically and updated in the database. In the urban area, verification of registered refugees was conducted in July 2013 for the first time. The turnout was low especially among Ivorian refugees. 188 individual refugee ID cards were issued to verified refugees out of 589 refugees verified. Birth registration and certification processing modalities were established and supported. 2,697 children were verified, registered and issued with birth certificates. Training on birth registration and other formalities was provided to over 40 UNHCR and partner staff. A mechanism has been put in place to regularly register new births at the health centre in the camps and throughout the communities hosting refugees by filling the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs birth registration form and a certification process has been established in coordination with the County Health team.