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Japan is one of UNHCR’s most prominent partners and its support for important global initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the Human Security, and the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, highlight Japan’s leadership on displacement issues. 


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Internally displaced persons in Batken region, the Kyrgyz Republic, affected by the escalation of violence at Kyrgyz-Tajik border in 2022 were provided temporary accommodation and assistance with improving living conditions thanks to funding from the people of Japan. ©UNHCR/Bektur Zhanibekov
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Total contributions in 2025 to date


The partnership with Japan is steeped in history. Having joined the Executive Committee for UNHCR in 1979, Japan remains an important supporter of UNHCR both politically and financially. In addition, the visionary leadership of former UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, who led UNHCR from 1991 to 2000, played a pivotal role in guiding UNHCR through one of its most momentous decades.  

Japan’s financial support to UNHCR has allowed for an effective and efficient response throughout the years to address acute humanitarian needs, both in emergencies and in protracted situations. Japan was one of the first donors to step up in the COVID-19 response (2020) and the Ukraine emergency (2022) and will remain a major partner in response to future crises. Japan’s dedication to the refugee cause can also be seen in the commitment of Japan to the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) program. 

Japan has actively promoted the humanitarian-development-peace nexus as a solution for today’s complex humanitarian crises, providing funding support to both UNHCR’s humanitarian and development projects. Japan is also a major driving force behind the whole-of-society approach and the enhanced roles of host countries and communities under the Global Compact on Refugees. Against this backdrop, Japan became one of the co-convenors of the Global Refugee Forum in 2023. 


Total contributions in 2024
118.5 million

13% of the contribution was flexible funding