United States of America Multi-Country Office

In the United States and Northern Caribbean, UNHCR works with people forced to flee, government agencies, NGOs, attorneys and other partners to protect and uplift the rights and well-being of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless people.


US $47.2 million

are urgently needed from January to December 2024
two men standing
Elias, left, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who is now the vice president of procurement at Eli's Cheesecake Company in Chicago, Illinois, United States, with his son John, who is an intern at the business. © UNHCR/Jeoffrey Guillemard
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In addition to the United States, the UNHCR’s Multi-Country Office in Washington covers 18 Caribbean States and overseas territories: Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; the British overseas territories of Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and Turks and Caicos Islands; and the Dutch overseas territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Sint Maarten.

The MCO maintains relationships on global, regional, and domestic refugee and statelessness issues with key government partners and counterparts, including the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Justice. It also engages with relevant Congressional committees and staff. The staff closely collaborates with US NGOs, particularly on resettlement. The operation supports access to protection and solutions in the US by providing information on asylum laws, policies, and procedures, especially to asylum-seekers in immigration detention, NGOs, legal aid attorneys, and the public. Additionally, the office monitors detention conditions and asylum access at the US southern border, engaging in advocacy on statelessness issues in the US.

Through its presence in the Dominican Republic, the office provides protection and solutions for Haitian and Venezuelan refugees, including a resettlement program, and advocates for solutions for statelessness. In Haiti, UNHCR contributes to the protection response for internally displaced persons fleeing gang violence through small-scale community-based protection initiatives. In The Bahamas, UNHCR supports the government in efforts to develop the national asylum system and strengthen emergency response preparedness.

Explore the UNHCR.org website to access additional information, news and stories related to the US Multi-Country Office.
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Population types

Note: The "Stateless" category does not include stateless people who are also in other categories, to avoid double counting. The total number of stateless, across all categories, is  .

NB: 2023 figures are planning figures.

Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder for years until 2022, UNHCR planning figures (COMPASS) otherwise.

Population by country

NB: 2023 figures are planning figures.

Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder for years until 2022, UNHCR planning figures (COMPASS) otherwise.

Population by origin

NB: 2023 figures are planning figures.

Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder for years until 2022, UNHCR planning figures (COMPASS) otherwise.

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Budget and expenditure trend

Source: 2024 budget and 2023 current budget are taken from the budget document approved by UNHCR's Executive Committee in October 2023.

Budget by pillar

Budget by objective

Note: The table presents the  budget for this operation broken down at the objective level. Resource allocation at the objective level is subject to change during the course of the year as the operational situation evolves and priorities shift. The current budget, reflected in the bottom line of this table, is updated on a monthly basis and is replaced by the final budget at year-end.

Expenditure by Outcome Area

Budget by Impact Area

Protect: Attaining favourable protection environments
Respond: Realizing rights in safe environments
Empower: Empowering communities and achieving gender equality
Solve: Securing solutions

Source: 2023 budget as approved by the Executive Committee in October 2022.
2022 current budget as approved by the High Commissioner as of October 2022; pending presentation to the ExCom's Standing Committee.

Budget by Outcome and Enabling Areas

Source: 2023 budget as approved by the Executive Committee in October 2022.
2022 current budget as approved by the High Commissioner as of October 2022; pending presentation to the ExCom's Standing Committee.

Budget by Impact Area

Protect: Attaining favourable protection environments
Respond: Realizing rights in safe environments
Empower: Empowering communities and achieving gender equality
Solve: Securing solutions

Source: 2024 budget and 2023 current budget are taken from the budget document approved by UNHCR's Executive Committee in October 2023.

Budget by Outcome and Enabling Areas

Budget by Impact Area

Protect: Attaining favourable protection environments
Respond: Realizing rights in safe environments
Empower: Empowering communities and achieving gender equality
Solve: Securing solutions

Budget by Outcome and Enabling Areas

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Impact indicators
Performance indicators
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Strategy - Country
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Latest updates

August 2023
9 months ago
August 2023
9 months ago
United States MCO Funding Update - 2022
1 year ago
United States MCO Funding Update - 2021
31 December 2021
2 years ago
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The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
UNHCR GIS data is publicly accessible in the Operational Data Portal